God has promised Israel this land as a blessing for His people and a judgment of the wickedness of the Canaanites. The Israelites were to follow through with all of God’s instructions concerning the land. The book of Judges tells of a dark time in Israel’s history as the people move quickly from conquest to national and spiritual chaos. May God bless you richly in your study of Judges
The Overcomers Series – the Bible has a lot to say about being an overcomer. John writes, “For whoever has been born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world: our faith.” Overcoming is to be the daily course for believers who are challenged to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the spirit of this series of Bible commentaries. Each volume is written for those serious about understanding the Scriptures. Each one is a verse by verse study through a book of the Bible. This commentary, first in the series, deals with the epistle written by the Apostle Paul, a man committed to the faithful teaching of God’s Word. This volume is entitled Ephesians: Paul’s Letter of Doctrine and Duty! Together we will plumb the depth of this great book and what it suggests about faith and practice. May the Lord use this work to bless His people!
Link to Ephesians: Paul’s Letter of Doctrine & Duty on Amazon
Many authors write books about the problems facing our nation. Why do we need another one? What seems to be missing in the public examination of America’s woes is a spiritual perspective. This volume adds that to the conversation. After identifying and developing each area of evil, this analysis moves on to see how “thinking biblically” shows God’s perspective on how to solve the problem. Without His Word, we are like the blind leading the blind, because ultimately His Word is truth!
Link to 2021 Heal Our Land: 10 Wicked Ways America Must Reject
The sudden change that occurs in the life of one who chooses Christ as Savior is only the beginning of a totally new experience. “My New Life in Christ” offers counsel taken from biblical truth and real-life experience. The subjects brought under consideration include the following chapters: “The Good News about Eternal Life”, ” Knowing We Are His”, “Now that We Belong to Him”, and “Prayer, Fellowship, Sharing”. Other topics considered include gaining assurance of salvation, understanding eternal life, appreciating unending joy, surviving the challenge of temptation, developing Christlike character, studying God’s Word for growth, learning how to pray, enjoying the new fellowship with God and His family and preparing to share our new faith with other. The book includes memory verses to meditate on and thought questions for each chapter.
2020 – Heal Our Land: Facing the Coronavirus Pandemic is a response to the viral disease that exploded onto our nation’s headlines in 2020. In early March, we faced an unparalleled global crisis… what we have come to know as the “coronavirus”. The purpose in writing “2020 – Heal Our Land” is to chronicle the lessons the Lord taught the author through this time. The Spirit led the writer to preach a series of messages in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring of 2020. The contents of this book are mainly the lessons learned. Hopefully “2020 Heal Our Land” will serve to instruct and encourage others through this unprecedented time.Some of the chapter titles include… Turning Cursing into Blessing; “The Great Pause”; I Will Heal Your Land, Solomon’s Temple Dedicated; God’s Glory Is Seen by Everyone; Requirements & Promises; Healing Our Land; The Importance of Repentance; “What About Us?”; Our Christian Heritage; and Facing Suffering. Many authors write books about the problems facing our nation. Why do we need another one? What seems to be missing in the public examination of America’s woes is a spiritual perspective. This volume adds that to the conversation. After identifying and developing each area of evil, this analysis moves on to see how “thinking biblically” shows God’s perspective on how to solve the problem. Without His Word, we are like the blind leading the blind, because ultimately His Word is truth!
The Spirit’s Sword: Verses to Use in Times of Struggle is a handbook of promises for the believer to use in preparation for life’s battles! It is not a matter of… if those battles will come, but when. The child of God needs to be ready to use God’s Word for those conflicts. Claiming God’s promises is foundational to walking in victory! There are 179 promises divided into 37 categories with short explanations for each topic. They include issues like anger, depression, disappointment, fear, forgiveness and strength. This handy, easy-to-use, reference is a must-have for those looking for promises on which to stand!